How to book?

Book a apartment with our booking system secure and easy. To find the best apartment in the period you need which best suits you enter the number of adults and children, arrival and departure date in the search box and the booking system will find you best available apartments for you with the total price for that period. 


After you decide which apartment is best for you please enter requested information about you, and choose a method of payment. At the moment we offer method of payment with bank transfer. You can chose will you pay total amount or deposit. The rest can be payed with the same method before your arrival (if you want to go directly in apartment on your arrival) or in our office in Umag.


In our office in Umag the rest can be paid in kunas (croatian currency) or with credit card. For registration you will need to bring a documents (passport or identity card) with you.


KOSMOS d.o.o. undertakes to respect the privacy of all its users and will not make their information available to third parties or use it for marketing purposes except with the prior permission of those users, collects only the necessary user information required to make a reservation. All customer information is strictly kept and is only available to employees who need it. All KOSMOS d.o.o. employees and business partners are responsible for upholding privacy principles.


Payment data for bank transfer:

KOSMOS  d.o.o., Jadranska  17, 52470  Umag-Hrvatska

Erste & Steiermärkische Bank d.d .

IBAN:   HR5024020061500016731

BIC:      ESBCHR22

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or problems you might have.

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